It started to produce the first chain in 1989. In the application of various chains, it actively committed to R&D and innovation, and established the brand “YBN”. For the extension and functionality of the product itself, continuous research adjustment, improvement and development, Let the chain reach the ultimate. Since 1998, due to changes in the international situation, it has begun to carry out inspections in China, Vietnam and other places. In 2000, it was decided to establish a Vietnamese factory.

In 2001, a lot of manpower and production equipment were invested. For vertical integration, it began in 2007. Steel Plate Division. In order to respond to changes in the industry, the production process has been continuously innovated, and actively developed automated equipment to improve production efficiency and quality standards. Yabang has been constantly breaking through and updating the design, function and performance of the chain, in order to provide the best quality and most innovative products to customers, and can continue to expand to serve more different levels of customer needs and provide customized To meet the win-win situation of interlocking upstream, middle and downstream.

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